12 Workplace Productivity Hacks

Since your workplace is a little planet full of mixed cultures and people, you should always be on your toes to find something enriching, to upkeep the spirit of your employees. Do your research, gather information and implement ideas to cultivate a fantastic workplace environment.

Here are some great hacks that can enhance the productivity at your place of work:

#1 Lighting impact on your workplace

Work areas with abundant daylight prove to be more productive than closed indoors. Some offices prefer to have bigger windows near the employee desk. A view of the outdoors and existence of daylight indoors increases employee interest in work, increases energy level and keep your employees away from boredom.

According to HOK, a well-lit workplace can reduce approximately 15% absenteeism in office and increases productivity by 20%.

#2 Office fitness regime

Including a fitness regime in your office schedule not only keeps your employees fit and energetic but results in decreased absenteeism. It means less sick leaves and high production rate. Also, studies have found that corporate gyms save around $3 to $5 for every dollar spent. Many well-known companies believe that a healthy employee is an asset to the organisation. Some of them also introduced little fun contest to identify and reward their most active and healthy employee.

#3 Pets in the office

Allowing pets in office is not only beneficial to your employee’s overall productivity but attracts positive customer reactions. Clients enjoy interacting with your employee’s pet and feel relaxed during their business visit to your workplace. Having pets inside your office premises also displays your organisation’s positivity towards nature and creates a progressive image of the team. Pets develop a sense of fellowship in the office and make people around them happy.

Workplace Productivity

#4 Musical relief from hectic work

A short break to freshen up is helpful for employees to gain back their energy to work. However, spending 10-15 minutes every 2-3 hours in the cafeteria can show low productivity rate and lost wages. Add a creative encouragement for your workers with some instrumental music or low hum in your office. This simple hack can introduce deep concentration and cut off all annoying sounds around the office.

#5 Flexibility in work

To boost employee energy and engagement, it is essential to break the workplace rigidity. Instead of forcing fixed place and time rules on your employees, allow them to choose how, where and when they want to work. Employees with higher flexibility are seen to be happier with their work. According to a survey, employees with higher flexibility rate are better performers at work, compared to those who have less or no flexibility.

#6 Develop a sense of responsibility and connectivity

Employees who know they are an integral part of the organisation feel motivated and responsible. Maintaining transparency in the organisation and involvement in important decisions of the management can make your employees feel like they are one family.

Discussing future plans, strategic development and financial motivates your workers and builds the trust factor towards their leaders. Make sure your employees know you trust them and depend on them.

If any employee walks to you with a new idea or a competitive solution to any problem, make sure you attentively listen to them. When your employees start thinking about the organisation’s betterment, it is a good sign.

#7 Combine work, family and personal life

Remember that your employees are not your property. They have their personal and family life besides their work life. If you can help them balance their job, family and personal life, you will master the art of employee satisfaction. Talk to your staff and create a plan that helps them manage everything happily.

#8 Develop connection through different methods

Talk or connect with your employees on a daily basis. Having a discussion with your staff about their achievements, shortcomings, requirements and productive ideas will develop a positive connection between you and your employees.

We understand that if you are running a big organisation, it may not be possible for you to reach every employee on a daily basis. However, you can find different methods of understanding their needs, appreciating them and motivating them. You can use flyers or mailers to express your vision and expectations to them. Give your employees a purpose for the work they are doing. If you can motivate them, they will be able to live your vision and execute their task more efficiently.

Monetary motivation may not be enough every time. Personal recommendations and appreciation work wonders in motivating employees. Praise them on a regular basis to keep them active and concentrated.

#9 A peaceful nap time

To improve productivity, concentration and creativity, you should allow a twenty minutes nap time for your employees. Researchers have proved that a personal nap time can help employees rejuvenate and boost accuracy in work. Organisations like Nike and Yahoo have introduced quiet rooms for meditation and nap time.

#10 Stay away from social media

Make sure your office computers do not allow access to social media platforms unless your work is associated with social networking. Peeping into others life through social media does nothing but waste valuable production time and decreases work accuracy.

#11 Declutter office desks

Pile of papers on the desk, unnecessary gadget, too many sticky notes, buzzing email reminders and food wrappers can make your well organised office look cluttered. A cluttered environment can never encourage productivity. Anything can distract your employee is a productivity cutter. By the end of every week motivate your employees to clean their desks. Clean and uncluttered work environment encourages positivity, concentration and higher energy level.

#12 Be the leader your employees would love to follow

If your employees do not see you as a positive figure or as a leader, they will never develop the sense of sincerity. Stick to your beliefs and promises that you deliver to them. Your workers should not picture you as a mixed personality. They should admire you as a strong and confident leader.

If you are tired of spending too much to increase your workplace productivity, try these simple hacks. The techniques mentioned above will not only minimise the wage and time losses but enhance the level of productivity and develop a positive employee-employer relationship. A happy employee can be the most valuable asset for your organisation.



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